Du vin bio en canette | Organic Canned Wine

Who is behind Sip Different ?

The founder of Sip Different, Pierre-Clément Pène is originally from Bordeaux and has worked in wine marketing in France and abroad for various Bordeaux estates. A WSET 3 graduate in 2019, he obtained this year 2024 a DUAD course at the ISVV wine university. It is by working on his knowledge of the French and foreign wine world that he has developed a sensitivity to tasting.

He enjoys selecting and marketing wines from winemakers with whom he shares the same conception of what wine should represent and the environment in which it is grown.

Pierre-Clément’s credo is to make it easy to drink good wine in any situation, and to do so in a reasonned way.

“Over 5 years ago, my family and I moved to the Arcachon Bay”.

This natural environment is ideal for outdoor activities. 

Whether it’s on the beach after a surf session, on a bike ride through the forest or on a boat…  Perfect for a tasting of local oysters, accompanied by a glass of dry white wine. The Sip Different range is ideal for improvised sunset aperitifs on the Pyla Dune or anywhere else…

Why select wines from Vignerons?

“Grapes are a natural product…but to create wine, Man must intervene”.

(Emile Peynaud, Oenologist-Writer)

The winemaker knows his vineyard and his “terroir”. Without him, there would be no wine!

That’s why I buy wines from my partner winemakers on a fair-trade basis. Win Win!

Terroir is a combination of natural and human factors:

☞ the climate in which the vines grow, as well as the nature and composition of the soil.

☞ an orientation chosen by the winemaker combined with his or her technical skills to get as close as possible to a Terroir typicity.