Du vin bio en canette | Organic Canned Wine

A choice of wines from the most environmentally friendly organic farming methods

Organic farming is based on sustainable agricultural management that preserves the quality of soil, air and water, and the balance of natural ecosystems. It uses farming practices that respect natural balances. A global agricultural production system that combines the best environmental practices, respect for biodiversity and preservation of natural resources.

By working on the environment in which the plant grows, the winegrowers make it stronger, more resistant and more self-sufficient. No need for “chemistry”…

This notion is important for the natural ecosystem “above” and “below” the soil.

We all too often forget that half a plant lives in the soil, and the other half outside of it!

Soil enrichment means bringing life underground, which in turn benefits the plants that grow there, thanks to the networks and connections between plants, fungi, bacteria and insects.


On the surface, the diversity of bird communities in vineyards, as protection against insects harmful to the wellbeing of the vines, is encouraged by the combination of organic viticulture, grassing between the rows of vines and the diversity of habitats making up the landscape with forests, hedges and meadows – the components of agroforestry.

Through its cultivation practices, organic farming helps to combat global warming, both by limiting pollutant emissions and by storing more CO2 in the soil.